Winter Is Here – 5 Tips to Winterizing Your Vacuum Truck
It’s that time of year again and the weather is inevitably going to keep getting colder. Protecting the vacuum truck includes knowing how to prepare it for colder temperatures. Here are 5 Tips to Winterizing Your Vacuum Truck:
- Jobs take longer in the winter because the hydraulics slow down. Place the PTO in gear and let the engine idle for a few minutes, circulating the hydraulic oil. Run the truck as slowly as possible until the hydraulic oil is warmed.
- To ensure the system is never completely out of commission, add antifreeze. It will keep it from reaching extremely cold temperatures and protect it when the system is not heated. In the coldest of environments, we advise plugging in the engine block heater which will keep it warm enough for an easier start.
- Rotate the tires on your trailer to lower the chances of low tread. Snow and ice are exceptionally dangerous when it comes to inadequate tires and rotating your tires will lower your chances of sliding. If you do slide – remember not to slam on the brakes but, pump them instead. Check your tires air pressure frequently and that you have the appropriate tires on the truck for certain weather conditions.
- Now is the time to get heated valves and make them operational. Ball valves and knife gate valves can freeze in cold weather. This will help the truck run smoother during extremely cold temperatures.
- Last, make sure to drain the air tanks daily/multiple times a day to prevent break freeze up.
These are just a few steps to help you during harsh weather conditions. The best thing you can do is always be prepared for the unexpected. Inspect your vehicle and the vacuum equipment before putting it in use. Be certain the truck is prepared for possible weather conditions and pack emergency equipment just in case.